Last we left off I only had about 4 long panels put together. Well I am happy to announce that all the panels are together!

I am also happy to announce that I can now successfully rip a seam with only mild fenestration!
And I’m fast at it….. just kidding the TikTok is on speed X5.
I realized about 5 panels in that some of my squares may not have been um well square. I think when I was cutting I may have misaligned my fabric but I pushed through.
From what I’ve found online and pinterest; uneven squares might cause bunching or bubbling of the finished piece. Since this is my 3rd or 4th quilt so far that okay for me.
That being said, I’m going to be double checking my cut squares to make sure they are actually squares.
Now since I’ve finished putting all my panels together I’m back to seam management. Not going to lie I’m pretty tired of pressing seams! But I knew what I was getting into when I cut 88 squares!
I would compare pressing seams to the slow boring part of a book. Just push through except its oddly satisfying when they are done.
Since I spent like 2 hours pressing seams, I’m going to take a break from this and make some card holders or I don’t know…. anything different.
Catch you on the flip side, PWJ